Microsoft Select Agreement

The Microsoft Select Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

As a business owner or IT professional, you may be familiar with Microsoft`s line of products and software solutions. Microsoft is a leader in the technology space, providing businesses with powerful tools that help streamline workflows, boost productivity, and enhance collaboration. If you`re considering purchasing Microsoft software for your business, the Microsoft Select Agreement may be a great option for you. In this article, we`ll cover everything you need to know about the Microsoft Select Agreement, from what it is to how it works.

What is the Microsoft Select Agreement?

The Microsoft Select Agreement is a licensing program that allows businesses to purchase Microsoft products and software solutions at a discounted price. It is a volume licensing program that is designed to help businesses manage their Microsoft software assets, while reducing costs and streamlining the procurement process. The Microsoft Select Agreement is ideal for medium to large organizations, as it requires a minimum purchase of 500 points (a point being a unit of measure for licensing purposes).

How does the Microsoft Select Agreement work?

The Microsoft Select Agreement is a three-year agreement that provides businesses with the option to purchase Microsoft software licenses and products at a discounted price. The pricing structure is based on a point system, where each product or license is assigned a point value. The point value varies depending on the product or license, and businesses can purchase any combination of products and licenses as long as they meet the minimum purchase requirement of 500 points. The more points a business purchases, the greater the discount they receive.

What are the benefits of the Microsoft Select Agreement?

There are several benefits to the Microsoft Select Agreement, including:

1. Cost savings: By purchasing Microsoft products and licenses through the Select Agreement, businesses can save money on their technology investments. The more points a business purchases, the greater the discount they receive.

2. Simplified procurement: The Microsoft Select Agreement streamlines the procurement process, making it easier for businesses to purchase licenses and products. Instead of negotiating individual contracts for each product, businesses can purchase any combination of products and licenses through a single agreement.

3. Flexible payment options: The Microsoft Select Agreement offers flexible payment options, allowing businesses to spread out their payments over a three-year period. This can help businesses manage their cash flow more effectively.

4. License management: The Microsoft Select Agreement provides businesses with greater visibility and control over their Microsoft software assets. This can help businesses optimize their license usage and reduce the risk of non-compliance.

5. Software assurance: The Microsoft Select Agreement includes software assurance, which provides businesses with access to the latest product versions, training, and support. This can help businesses stay up-to-date with the latest technology trends and enhance their productivity.


The Microsoft Select Agreement is an excellent option for businesses looking to purchase Microsoft software licenses and products at a discounted price. It provides businesses with a flexible, streamlined procurement process, cost savings, and better license management. If you`re interested in the Microsoft Select Agreement, be sure to speak with a Microsoft partner or licensing specialist to discuss your options and determine if the Select Agreement is right for your business.