IBM 000-331 Test

Test information:

Exam code:000-331
Number of questions: 61
Time allowed in minutes: 60
Required passing score: 62%
Test languages: English, Castilian Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese

Customer Requirements / Qualification (23%)
Qualify the prospective customer by determining expectations, growth
requirements, application requirements, current and planned business systems and issues, justification, and political and business decision making process.
Identify business requirements that can be uniquely met by IBM POWER Systems
Differentiate the business requirements from the technology requirements
Value Proposition (28%)

Describe the current POWER Systems value proposition and relate to customer issues or plans.
Compare current POWER features with existing and competitive plans
Describe POWER Systems operating systems competitive advantages over others (e.g., Solaris, Windows, HP-UX, and Linux ( including pAVE)).
Compare IBM POWER System terminology (e.g., processor, way, socket, core, SWAP) with competitive terms and claims.
Describe the value propositions of POWER Systems in SMB and large enterprise environments
Hardware (21%)