70-270:Installing Configuringand Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional

MCSE 70-270(Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional)考試題庫由KillTest認證題庫網資深IT認證講師和MCSE產品專家結合PROMETRIC或VUE的真實70-270考試環境最新原題傾心打造。題庫覆蓋了當前最新的真實考題,並且全部附有正確答案,我們承諾題庫對MCSE 70-270(Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional)考試原題完整覆蓋。70-270題庫助您輕鬆通過認證考試,一次不過全額退款。

MCSE 70-270(Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional)考題由我們的資深IT認證講師和MCSE產品專家精心打造,包括了當前最新的真實70-270考題,全部附有正確答案。所有購買KillTest 70-270 題庫的客戶都將得到60天的免費升級服務,保證了客戶的一次通過率。KillTest IT認證題庫網助您一次通過MCSE 70-270考試。

1. You are a desktop administrator for your company. A company user reports that he is unable to use his Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone with his Bluetooth-enabled Windows XP Professional computer. He is trying to play audio from the phone through the speakers on his computer.
You verify that other Bluetooth devices work properly with the user’s computer. You test the speakers to make sure they are in working order. You also verify that the mobile phone can send output to a computer. You then discover that the phone cannot detect the computer.
You need to ensure that the user can use the phone with his computer. What should you do?
A. Place the phone in Bluetooth discovery mode.
B. Place the user’s computer in Bluetooth discovery mode.
C. Add the phone and the computer to the same Bluetooth Personal Area Network (PAN).
D. Install mobile phone synchronization software on the user’s computer.
Answer: B

2. You are a desktop administrator for your company. You are responsible for deploying a new application. The application is packaged in an .msi file.
You need to deploy the application to only three users in the company. The .msi file contains all of the information necessary to correctly install the application.
You need to install the application so that users see information about the installation progress, but no other user interface is displayed during the installation. What should you do?
A. Use the Msiexec.exe program to perform a quiet installation of the application.
B. Use the Msiexec.exe program to perform a passive installation of the application.
C. Create a Group Policy object (GPO) that assigns the application. Link the GPO to the site containing the users who will use the application.
D. Create a Group Policy object (GPO) that advertises the application. Link the GPO to the domain.
Answer: B

KillTest IT認證題庫網專業提供MCSE 70-270最新題庫下載,完全覆蓋70-270考試原題。70-270:MCSE 70-270 Questions and Answers,Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional。Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional(70-270 Exam)屬於MCSE認證考試中的一門,如果需要取得MCSE證書,您可能還需要參加其他相關考試,詳情可訪問MCSE認證專題,在那裡,你將看到所有MCSE認證相關考試科目。

70-296:Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment

由於微軟中國網站上關於微軟認證的內容更新實在太慢,英文的內容也沒有太多的人去看,所以照成了國內很多學員學習和交流上的困難,所以我們ITExamPrep.com特地組織了這壹系列的微軟認證專題供大家參考,從認證、考試、培訓、資料四個方面對MCSE認證做全方位的介紹。MCSE是整個微軟認證體系中等級最高的壹個認證,所以它要求的考試科目也最多(共7科,更提供了30余門選考科目),劃分為WIN2000 和WIN2003兩個版本的認證,又在這2個操作系統上衍生出了共計6個專業方向。

70-296:Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment MCSE2003 70-296考試題庫由KillTest認證題庫網資深IT認證講師和MCSE2003產品專家結合PROMETRIC或VUE的真實70-296考試環境最新原題傾心打造。MCSE2003 70-296(Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment)考題由我們的資深IT認證講師和MCSE2003產品專家精心打造,包括了當前最新的真實70-296考題,全部附有正確答案。

在介紹MCSE認證的時候,現在MCSE認證家族越來越龐大,首先是根據操作系統不同分為2個大類:Windows 2000和Windows Server 2003,然後又根據其專業化方向不同,又有基本類、信息類、安全類的區別。 MCSE認證體系 :MCSE on Windows 2000:微軟認證系統工程師(簡稱 MCSE2000) MCSE on Windows Server 2003;微軟認證系統工程師(簡稱 MCSE2003);MCSE: Messaging on Windows 2000;微軟認證信息系統工程師(MCSE2000: Messaging);MCSE: Messaging on Windows Server 2003;微軟認證信息系統工程師 (MCSE2003: Messaging); MCSE: Security on Windows 2000;微軟認證系統安全工程師(MCSE2000: Security);MCSE: Security on Windows Server 2003;微軟認證系統安全工程師 (MCSE2003: Security)。

70-285:Designing a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Organization

MCSE操作系統類課程:1.NT 4.0 core technology: Windows NT 4.0的安裝,系統配置,賬戶管理,文件、打印機資源管理,分區管理和容錯設計,網絡協議和服務,遠程訪問服務,域的規劃、建立及管理,系統引導。2.NT 4.0 Enterprise Technology: 企業的域模型設計(域,域的信任關系,域模型),NT的TCP/IP實現,與Netware的互操作,對NT server的分析和優化,對NT的網絡分析和優化,以及NT的故障排除。3.Windows 95: 內核模型與網絡結構的分析,撥號網絡和Internet連接的實現,FAX功能的使用,以及集中管理。4.Windows 98: 內核模型與網絡結構的分析,撥號網絡和Internet連接的實現,FAX功能的使用,以及集中管理。

MCSE認證包括70-285考試科目,70-285:Designing a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Organization。MCSE70-285題庫包括130道真題,真題的更新時間2008年9月1日。題型的更新是隨著考綱內容的更新而進行最新。MCSE2003 Messaging 70-285考試題庫由Killtest認證題庫網資深IT認證講師和MCSE2003 Messaging產品專家結合PROMETRIC或VUE的真實70-285考試環境最新原題傾心打造。MCSE2003 Messaging 70-285(Designing a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Organization)考題由我們的資深IT認證講師和MCSE2003 Messaging產品專家精心打造,包括了當前最新的真實70-285考題,全部附有正確答案。

MCSE網絡技術類課程:1.Network Essentials: 網絡設計,硬件結構分析,傳輸協議,網絡體系結構,各種網絡環境,網絡的管理、安全性、容錯、性能分析、監視優化、排錯,廣域網技術。2.TCP/IP on NT 4.0: 網絡互連的基本概念,NT的TCP/IP協議聯網的實現,有關的服務器機制建立。3.Internet Information Server 4.0: IIS 4.0的安裝、配置、管理、結構、安全性,實現WWW、FTP、SMTP、NNTP服務,Certificate Server、Transaction Server、Index Server、ASP、Microsoft Site Server Express4.Internet Explorer 4.0: Web 技術,動態HTML,桌面集成,OutlookExpress,NetMeeting,IEAK4.0。5.Proxy Server 2.0: Proxy Server 的安裝、配置、規劃、訪問控制、監視優化、排錯、結構分析,用ISM進行管理,實現安全性、分組過濾。